Saturday, May 22, 2010

I know I have something to say …so much to say that it was hard launching this blog. Then it occurred to me that my irritation with so much that is going on stems from too many people having a sense of entitlement. Feeling entitled leads people who have no legal right to be in the United States to whine when they’re told to obey the law and leave. Feeling entitled leads people who can’t keep their legs closed or keep ‘it’ in their pants (I’m not generally crass, but biology is biology) to whine about their children not having enough. Feeling entitled leads to people (when jobs were plentiful….see, I am an old woman, I remember when….) refusing to sweep floors or do menial jobs to show that they have the metal to grow into more responsible positions. Feeling entitled leads able people to park in handicapped spots, lazy shoppers to drop unwanted merchandise anywhere in a store and to leave shopping carts scattered around parking lots. Feeling entitled leads dangerous drivers to swerve their way through traffic and to push through red lights. Feeling entitled leads too many irresponsible young women to take public assistance to raise their unplanned babies while they, themselves, have fancy manicures, smoke cigarettes, and hang out with friends at the local watering hole.

So, what I have to say is this. I’m tired of keeping silent and being polite while society degrades to its lowest common denominator. I’m tired of being one of those who ‘tows the line’ while others get away with stepping all over my toes.

I filled my gas tank up one day last week and the fellow ahead of me had his music blaring with lyrics about the “bitch” and slapping her. He has a right to listen to what he wants, and apparently he has a right to play his music so loud as to overshadow other’s preferences. I wanted to ream into him and tell him to shut the darned stuff off because it was inflammatory and insulting (remember, I’m an old white woman). Instead, I ignored it to the best of my ability. Thank God I live in a country where I still have choices….to leave, to approach the fellow, to complain to management, to ignore it. I chose to ignore, but have to wonder at a society where that kind of message can be broadcast without shame. Never mind civil rights; what about civility? That can’t be legislated, but can’t we start demanding it?

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